by drgokhale | Apr 24, 2023 | video Gallery
This video is about First Heart Transplantation in Andhra Pradesh by Dr Gokhale-interview with patient-part4. Best heart transplant surgeon in Hyderabad who successfully performed the first human-to-human heart transplantation surgery in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh,...
by drgokhale | Apr 24, 2023 | video Gallery
This video is about First Heart Transplantation in Andhra Pradesh by Dr Gokhale-interview with patient-part5. Beating-heart surgery is a way to perform surgery without stopping the heart. Surgeons use a special device to stabilize the part of the heart on which they...
by drgokhale | Apr 24, 2023 | video Gallery
This video is about First Heart Transplantation in Andhra Pradesh by Dr Gokhale-interview with patient-Part 6 DR Gokhaleis First Heart Transplant Cardiac doctor, and Lung Transplant doctor in Hyderabad, and expert in performing minimally invasive heart...
by drgokhale | Apr 24, 2023 | video Gallery
This video is about Dr. Gokhale bypass surgeon in Aroya Salahalu Part 2. During a coronary artery bypass graft (CABG), blood flow is rerouted through a new artery or vein that is grafted around diseased sections of your coronary arteries to increase blood flow to the...
by drgokhale | Apr 24, 2023 | video Gallery
Watch the video about minimally invasive cardiac surgeries-interview with Dr. Gokhale in Sanjevini Vanitha tv-part1. A minimally invasive cardiac surgeries approach allows access to the heart without the use of the large breastbone incision and may not require the use...
by drgokhale | Apr 24, 2023 | video Gallery
Watch the video about minimally invasive cardiac surgeries interview with Dr. Gokhale in Sanjevini Vanitha tv-part2. A bypass machine is hooked up to the arteries and veins of the heart. The machine pumps blood through the patient’s lungs and body while the...