
Dr Ravikanth - Dr Gokhale is such a generous and caring human being

I’m Dr Ravikanth, 34 years old, married and have a 4 year old daughter. I did Ph.D in Agricultural Sciences and was working as Assistant Professor in a graduate school. Exactly 2 years ago i.e in June, 2019 experienced shortness of breath and met our family doctor immediately. I was referred to a cardiologist where the problem was diagnosed as Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM), a disease that weakens & enlarges the heart muscle. Our family members were shocked to know this, as we knew how worst the disease is, as my father suffered for 7 years and finally deceased with DCM when he was 54 years old. Though I started medication with proper lifestyle modifications, in only 4 months my health condition had deteriorated and the issues/ symptoms of heart failure like congestion in abdomen, high bilirubin levels and vomitings began; and couldn’t have atleast one idli/small cup of rice or even one small glass of water. Then I was put on increased dosages and new medicines, but nothing worked. As the LV-EF has fallen to 25%, doctors advised that Heart Transplantation is the only option left with us.

Then, we consulted Dr.A.G.K.Gokhale sir at Apollo hospitals for evaluation. After thorough investigation of medical reports, Gokhale sir and his team determined that my heart is very weak and unable to pump enough blood to all other organs thereby leading to end organ failure. They have suggested me to go for immediate heart transplantation, as no alternate measure can be of any help in that stage. After undergoing all the required screening tests, I was registered in Jeevandan, a cadaver transplantation programme in December 2019.

My condition continued to deteriorate further and unfortunately the wait for transplant was longer than as usual due to unavailability of organ that suits me. Blood pressure came down to 80/60 and doctors put me on continuous IV-Inotropes. On 6th March 2020, I was admitted to hospital due to severe breathing difficulty and the BP came down to 70/40. Gokhale sir and his team tried every possible way to support my weak heart. As Inotropes did no more help, they put me on bridging support until an organ was found suitable for transplantation. Initially I was put on IABP (Intra Aortic Balloon Pump), which supported me for only 2 days and the pressures inside lungs increased. Then with my family’s pleading, I was put on ECMO (Extracorporal Membrane Oxygenation), which actually helped me survive. As the wait for organ was continuing and bridging can’t be continued for longer period, Gokhale sir started thinking about implantation of Artificial Heart (device that replaces heart) or VAD (Ventricular Assist Device), which are very expensive. Due to the financial burden involved, when my family was skeptical regarding the treatment, Gokhale sir has suggested going for crowd funding and he himself came forward to help through his trust. He is such a generous and caring human being.

Fortunately, on 19th March, a matching organ was found and Jeevandan had alloted to me in view my serious health condition. Heart transplantation was done successfully and I was blessed with a second lease of life. It’s been 15 months, now I’m leading normal life with necessary precautions and taking medication on time. My family is very happy to see me back to normal. This is all because of Dr.Gokhale sir who is there for us all the time since our first consultation, we would be ever grateful to him.

We thank Almighty, Dr. A G K Gokhale sir, the Donor’s family and all those who supported us for this second Life.

Jayasri Narra - Dr. A.G.K Gokhale is our God
My father and mother both have undergone surgery (CABG) with Dr. Alla Gopala Krishna Gokhale. I have to say one word about Doctor Sir, he is our “GOD” can’t thank him enough for what he has done to our family.

We will be grateful our entire lives towards him. The way he carries himself, you would think him as your friend who is always cares about you. The way he explains the condition of patient, what happened, what will happen you name it in the me to explain for you I have not seen any Doctor in India let alone surgeon with his patience. Experienced, calm, composed doctor. I can write essay on how awesome he is.

Grateful to god that we met you! We love you!

Thank you so so so much uncle! All our well wishes will always be with you & your family!

Jayasri Narra
8977791616 & 9347889734

Bathini Mallika - Excellent treatment, really satisfied

My mother has undergone the surgery in July 2019 under the supervision of Dr.A.G.K.Gokhale sir .Excellent treatment was given by the team of doctors at Apollo hospital .Every year I am coming for check-up for my mother the staff also receiving well. I am really satisfied with the Dr & his team and I recommended the hospital for (my friends & relatives) for heart problems cases.

Bathini Mallika

M. Dharma Teja - Sincerely thank Dr.A.G.K Gokhale

Undergone surgery (CABG) in June 2013 under the supervision of Dr.A.G.K.Gokhale sir at Yashoda Hospital. My operation was successful and treatment was excellent .I am here again for the recommended yearly check-ups. The staff is receiving well. I sincerely thank Dr.Gokhale & Team for their treatment. I recommended this hospital especially for heart failure cases.

M. Dharma Teja

VVS.Lakshmi Pathy - Excellent Treatment by Dr.Gokhale & Team

Cardio thoracic surgeons perform Coronary Artery Bypass Graft surgery procedure to treat coronary arteries disease to prevent attack or sudden death. Dr Alla Gopala Krishna Gokhale is one the best coronary artery bypass graft surgeons in Hyderabad.

VVS.Lakshmi Pathy
Yousuf Javeed - Dr Gokhale has Saved My Life

Well, what can I say about him…? Am breathing today just because of him. He saved my life when he successfully operated on my heart ( 5 Bypasses) that to with MIS ( just 5 inch cut under arm). God bless him and may allow him to live longer so people like me can live little longer.

Tu jiye hazaron saal
Har saal ke din ho pachas hazaar 

Gangadhar Rao Palamakula, Thanks a lot Dr Gokhale

By Birth we had some organs to lead our life, unfortunately, some organs may goes to damage with our Karma samskars. Doctor himself come with God and repair and replace it. It is not command thing, it is Purva samskar, that is from parents and God too. The Supreme Father God Selected Dr. Alla Gopala Krishna Gokhale is one.

Maria Vivian, Felt Proud to Work With You Dr Gokhale

Respected Sir I am maria vivian I am so happy and feel very proud to say that I had an opportunity to work along with u in Mediciti Hospital in future If I get an opportunity I would surely want to work with you God bless you abundantly in your endeavors in future. Thank you regads

Venkateswara Prasad - Dr Gokhale commitment of the patient's compassion.

Padma shri Awardee Dr. A.G.K. Gokhle is known to me as a fellow student at plus two course in Guntur , A.P. India.,as aspiring to be a medical professional. He is humble ,highly spirited , socially conscious and feels responsive to the needs of rural and under privileged . While following the ascending graph of his carrier, I was getting wondered for the past two years ,as to how he was not coronated with civilian awards by the powers . He has arrested the attention of the governments and society at large with his highly successful work in Heart and Lung transplantation surgeries . All the appreciation and awards came as rewards to him for showing brilliance and commitment to the welfare of his patients with empathy. My appreciation to him comes from the fact that he is grounded and highly rooted to the native soil. With his Brain Child ,SAHRUDAYA trust at his Almamater he is instrumental in motivating a good number of doctors to contribute their services in GIVING BACK TO SOCIETY. May he continue to contribute to the positive energy of the universe with the blessings of lord Dhanwantari. I genuinely feel and wish that many more higher coronations will follow in his future years because he adds YEARS to the LIVES of Critically ill and LIFE to the YEARS of patients who were treated .
Solomon Vinaya Kumar - Thanks a Lot Dr Gokhale

Dear Dr Gokhale,
Your commitment and dedication to serve a life is a Divine accomplishment.we watched and heard this unique endeavour . Our prayers are answered and God choose you as His Ambassador and Servant to serve His Will for mankind.May God continue to bless your gifts and skills as you serve the people with Such Humility.may you continue to be a blessing for others…Solomon vinaya kumar 
(Presently in Bahrain)
Satya Naresh Kalluri - Thanks a lot Dr Gokhale

I have personally met Dr. Gokhale personally, the way he clear the doubts is Fantastic and his explanation and concern towards patients is Excellent. I have never seen such a reputed and busy Dr who is down to earth.
k.Penchal Rao Underwent a Heart Bypass Surgery by Dr Gokhale

Firstly I would like to thank u sir my father named k.penchal rao has undergone bypass surgery in Apollo the care u have taken is unbelievable.you are really excellent doctor I have ever met .And at the same time I would like to thank Sabapathi Dr.Sivaprasad garu for helping us.I heard many news about u sir that u r very kind hearted and ur very much dedicated to ur profession but at last I have seen it clearly when I have visited . U r best doctor I have never met u r really amazing.

Guduru Ramesh Chandra Hari Implanting a Mechanical Mitre Valve by Dr Gokhale

Dr Gokhale – what can I say about a person named after Gokhale and making justice to his name.
I am the eldest brother of Dr Suresh Chandra Hari and an ex-patient of Dr Gokhale in the year 2012. He performed the second and third heart surgeries – implanting a mechanical Mitre valve (after failure of the tissue valve replacement in 2009) undertaken at Star Hospital.

Today, I am leading a happy life with my family and friends.

My comments / recommendation / review of the heart care by Dr Gokhale would be:

“Being under the care of Dr Gokhale – and with his wonderful team – at Yashoda Hospitals, any one would be assured of right treatment, following the necessary procedures that are bound to give an extended life”.

Guduru Ramesh Chandra Hari

A. Nageshwar Rao , underwent a Heart Bypass Surgery by Dr Gokhale

On the 19th of May, the reason my faith in humanity and the medical fraternity had been restored. Made me feel that may be the good, after all, in the world outnumbers the bad.. and that’s why we exist. We thrive.
My dad, A. Nageshwar Rao , underwent a heart bypass surgery executed successfully by you and your team on the 19th of May.
Surgery that no doctors in Telugu states wanted to perform. A risk that most hospitals averted! But not at Apollo, Jubilee Hills. Not Dr. Gokhale. He made sure my dad is sent safely from the hospital despite multiple high risk complications. Thank You Doc… for the new lease of life not only to my big man but to my whole family.
Shiva Ilindra - I Vijay Kumar under went thru Bypass Surgery

Sir, my father named I Vijay Kumar under went thru bypass surgery recently operated by you. Before saying that you are an extraordinary doctor, I want to tell you that you are an extraordinary human being. Thanks for showing so much of care and concern. Thank you again for teaching me the difference between Fact and Faith: Fact is when any ordinary doctor diagnoses illness in a report. Faith is when good doctors like you give their patients the strength to recover. Until now I associated the word Surgery with Misery. After being under the careful watch of a doctor like you, I associate Surgery with Recovery. Thanks a lot for taking care of my father.

Thanks to you Dr Gokhale Sir.

Krishna Adari, Hyderabad-Thanks a lot Dr Gokhale
Feeling safe in your hands..Thanks a lot

My mother Ratnam A.V.V house wife from Visakhapatnam was suddenly struck with Heart Stroke and suffering with LVAD dys-function, then we have consulted to many of the doctors who told that the condition was very critial and open heart might be the only possible solution which shall be done at a risk,but at that time I had googled an found out DR. AGK Gokhale a heart surgeon by profession and a philanthropist by nature and who is one of the rearest Minimal Invasive Surgoens in India and approached him after taking an appointment, when we met him for the first time all of us felt that he was a God to ur family, because he was Salwart, very polite, down to earth despite of his greatest achivements in the Medical Science, great Humanitrain, one of the finest & rearest doctors in India, he listens to all the concerns of the patients who approches him, he counsels the patient nicely for treatment, suggests the correct procedures/treatment. He does everything with lots of patience and dedication. My mother was very scary and very sensitve towards any kind of operations, so understanding the scenario Dr. Gokhale has kept my mother under Medical mangement. She was fine now recovering well. Despite of his busy schedule Dr.Gokhale conducts many Health awareness camps & Workshops all over India to mobilize people to take care of their Health especially their Heart. Thanks a lot to Dr.Gokhale and his team. No words to express our gratitude to you sir. To say in one word, Dr.Gokhale sir is God to us. I pray god to give more strength and support to Dr.Gokhale and his team in saving many more lives and adding smiles to many more families.

Thank you once again sir..!

More about Dr.Gokhale ::


Heart Talk :

Dr Gokhale: Part 1 – Understanding coronary artery heart disease and triple artery bypass surgery

Dr Gokhale: Part 2 – Managing risk factors after coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery

Krishna Adari, Hyderabad Mobile : 8978989841 Email : adari.krishna@gmail.com

Mr Rangachary, My MICS ( Minmal Invasive cardiac surgery ) bypass surgery
It was a day 13th August I had a mild stroke at 1.40 pm.By evening I had to rush to hosp where investigations confirmed that I am prone for Heart attack.They found it with a blood test called TROPI ( troponin ) at a multi speciality hosp in Hyderabad.Normal is 0.03 but it was 0.08 for me. Angiogram next day confirmed blocks in two arteries 90 % and 80 %. Doctors suggested a bypass surgery CABG.

Now I got in terrible situation to know full details and wanted to be in safe hands.The hospital I joined said I should go for a bypass. But my friend Aravind from USA suggested me to go for MICS ( Minimal Invasive Cardiac Surgery – a latest one in the recent years.)

So our search started for a well experienced and documented doctor and found Dr Gokhale’s name. Further Aravind’s sources in USA all suggested Dr Gokhale as one of the top specialists in conducting MICS at Yashoda Hospitals -Secunderabad.

I found Dr Gokhale’s works is well known in the world as an MICS specialist.(seen in his web www.drgokhale.com )

When I met him on 16th August, he gave me confidence and removed all my fears by explaining clearly what is the state of my heart and how simple it is once he does mics surgery.Explained me the need to do it now.

I wanted to know more about CABG-MICS procedure. I understood what this procedure offers.

  • Minimum pain and blood loss
  • no ribs cutting like in open heart surgery
  • no stopping heart/lung function
  • recovery faster, just in 3 days discharged
  • No surgery marks at the chest with long cuts


Back to work in 3 weeks max

I was operated on 19th August2013.Shifted to my private room on 22nd August.My oxygen saturation levels are above 95 came back home on 23rd August in a week time I could get up and lie down by myself without any one’s support.Walk to bath room and started doing spirometer breathing exercise and minimum physio exercise to stretch muscles by raising both hands against a wall.

I am writing this to benefit all wherever they are.When in a situation like mild stroke or severe, first thing is fear of life one feels.Next utter confusion what to do and where to go.

Dr Gokhale gave me all the confidence and you feel safe in the hands of a master in the field and in safe hands with lots of success stories in cardiac surgeries.His whole team of Doctors are highly qualified / experienced doctors. Dr Viswanth worked in Australia.

I suggest if MICS ( Minmal Invasive cardiac surgery ) procedure can be done

Go for it with Dr Gokhale as he has performed many surgeries with this latest technique in recent years.So he is called MICS specialist who are rare in the country with such experience.

I felt lucky to be in the hands of Dr Gokhale as he does the surgeries every day almost and you never know when he does the operation and lucky because he can tackle any complex situation arising during surgery because of his rich experience.Safer for our heart.

Dr Gokhale is a very simple person reaches out to any one and clears patients’s fear and at once we feel that we got a right doctor and in safe hands.

That’s the level of confidence he induces because he is a master in the field.

I am a business manager in oil-gas sector.My aim in writing this much is to tell my experience to all so it helps any one in such a fear and confusion where to go.

Dr Gokhale conducts LIVE work shops on MICs and did Heart /lung transplants even.

Moreover Yashoda Hospitals offer different packages to suit all with limited budget.


My contacts




Wishing good luck my heart felt comments on heart specialist Dr Gokhale

Wish him to create as many surgeons like him and develop new techniques to tackle complex issues during surgeries.

Feels safe in your hands..thanks a lot
My father Gali Narsimha Swamy, Advocate is very active person who is always ready to take up any task from small household task to his professional task anytime in a day. He have planned to go to Kailash Manasarovar Yatra in June 2013. As part of that , some tests were being done in Delhi Heart & Lung institute where it was diagnosed that my father is having some heart problem in a advanced stage and needs a major surgery. My family was totally shocked to know this. Fortunately, we came to know about Dr.Gokhale as my sister Dr.Shravani worked as a DMO in Yashoda Hospital. After knowing about miracles done and many historical achievements of Dr.Gokhale, even before surgery we were pretty sure that my father will be perfectly alright after surgery as he is in safe hands of Dr.Gokhale. He and his team has proved that our confidence is true, my father’s surgery is successful and he is back to home.

Dr.Gokhale have performed Aortic root and valve replacement surgery successfully with lots of patience and dedication.Thanks a lot to Dr.Gokhale and his team. No words to express our gratitude to you sir. To say in one word, Dr.Gokhale sir is God to us. I pray god to give more strength and support to Dr.Gokhale and his team in saving many more lives and adding smiles to many more families. Thank you once again sir!!!


Swathi Priya Parepalli,

Software Engineer,

Infosys Limited,


Dr Prabhakar, Dubai, UAE: Left ventricular assist device
When my sister was down with a serious cardiac problem needing a major surgery, I did not have to look far to the right surgeon. I was fortunate to know Dr.Gokhle & his team while we are all part of another hospital. I saw very closely the high degree of professionalism & dedication they bring to work & patient centered care this team delivers. We are so happy that our decision proved right and it was a miracle this team achieved in undertaking this extremely high risk aortic valve replacement surgery successfully. They were up against so many odds as the cardiac reserve was very poor and there were number of complications patient went into before surgery. At every stage they did not give up & looked at the best options to come out of these problems. One such solution was to use a new technique” Left ventricular assist device which was being used for the first time in the state. We are indebted to them for taking these timely decisions to use the best the medicine could offer. Apart from the clinical skills of the highest order what impressed us most is the high degree of patient & family centered care approach this team & Dr.Gokhale himself displayed.

Throughout the process we the family were confident that the patient is in safe hands. Today as my sister is back home safe & on the way to complete recovery, our confidence is vindicated. Thank you Dr.Gokhale & the team…., more strength & support to your efforts in taking cardiac surgeries to a higher standard of care & safety. Wish you many more successes.


Dr Prabhakar

DM Healthcare LLC Aspect Tower-D

33rd Floor

Business Bay Dubai


Left ventricular assist device-Padmaja Pamaraju,Prestwick Way, Edison, New Jersey, United States of AMERICA 08820
We take immense please to write this testimonial that Dr Gokhale and team were exceptionally professional in approach and guided us thorough the process with the best possible information to help us take appropriate decision at the right time. The team was very supportive and proficient that entrusted us to believe in all that they did to provide the critical care for my mother who was brought to Yashoda Hospital at a advanced stage of the Chronic heart illness. They performed balloon implant which did not alleviate the situation and this had left us with only 10% chance of recovery to go ahead with implanting a LVAD (Left Ventricular Assist Device) and perform the Valve replacement. Successful implant of LVAD had never been performed in the state of Andhra Pradesh and in fact all over the Country. Our complete experience with the team is no less than a “Miracle” and it is an understatement to look for words to Thank Dr. Gokhale and his Team. We are indebted and call it my Mother’s REBIRTH which was only possible because of Dr. Gokhale and his team !!!

These are the thoughts that come into mind when I mention DR. A.G.K. GOKHALE name and his team. My son, Yasser Abdulla Hannan, age 11 had incidental findings of Bronchogenic Cyst at the upper trachea mediastinal mass. Cardio Thoracic area, a cyst has formed and was compressing the wind pipe, location was very sensitive. Being an NRI based in Abu Dhabi, UAE, I was searching around the world and whole of India to find the best skilled hands to perform cyst incision for my son.

Referred by Dr. S.K. Jaiswal, Nuerologist Hyd, and the good grace of GOD ALLAH. I was introduced to Dr. A.G.K. Gokhale, at first meeting I find him to have the a strong, confident and trustworthy personality and I immediately trusted my son to him. The entire procedure was carried out by “VATS” minimal access surgery and was done successfully within 3 hours. My son was discharged from the hospital after 4 days. Dr. A.G.K. Gokhale’s treatment was modest, full of compassion and was so very assuring and comforting to my son and I thank GOD ALLAH cause I knew that he was in safe hands. My appreciation to Dr. A.G.K. Gokhale and his team of doctors and nursing attendants was further enhanced when the have continued their full care post surgery and was very thankfull for their full care and attention to my son.

My most heartfelt gratitude to Dr. A.G.K. Gokhale and CT Associates Kind Regards, Syed Atharulla Hussaini Senior Aircraft Engineer Etihad Airways/Abu Dhabi Aircraft Technologies Email: atharulla70@gmail.com Mobile: +971505809332 P.O. Box 12834 Abu Dhabi, UAE

Mohan Venigalla - thank you for operating my mother
Dear Dr. Gokhale, My name is Mohan. Son of your recent patient Mrs. V Parvathi and friend of Dr.Rama Rao. I wanted to write a thank you. I’ve been writing it in my head for the last couple of days trying to find a way to do it right and be able to convey to you just how much you have meant to us. Over the centuries there have been countless Doctors…some good, some bad, and a very special few, extraordinary. Many answer the calling and go on to be excellent but only that special few are extraordinary, YOU are among the extraordinary! Not just any surgeon but an extraordinary surgeon.

Why do I keep repeating extraordinary? Because it is the only word I can think of to describe you and our experiences with you from the very beginning. I don’t have to remind you of how compassionate and understanding you were with my mother, V.Parvathi, a 70 year old woman who was reluctant to the necessary surgery and never had any major health issues and was never admitted in hospital till now. You took the time to speak with her along with my father and Dr.Rama Rao and explain the situation and the need for the surgery. You further explained you wouldn’t do the surgery without her consent. We were convinced this 70 year old woman would never consent to such a surgery.The hardest step, she was handled with such professionalism and compassion, a mixture we don’t often see. Unfortunately not many doctors share your warmth and understanding.

Much to our amazement you were able to convince her of the necessity of the valve replacement and because of you she agreed to a very difficult, life altering surgery to her. After the surgery, again, you met with us. Putting us at ease and letting us know how everything went. We shook hands all around and said thank you but I knew then and there it wasn’t enough. There is no way and no words to properly thank you for all that you have done. You are extraordinary and amazing. An amazing surgeon and an amazing man. Your talent both in the operating room and out is a beacon of hope for the future of all your patients. My deep gratitude and thanks to you and all your team (naming few I met – Dr. Maj. Viswanath, Dr.Aswini etc;) for your superior and professional care.

I will be certain to continue to recommend Dr.Gokhale CT Associates and his nurses to everyone I know. Once again, thank you very much for your time and expertise. I am very grateful.May God always bless you. Thank you. Mohan Venigalla 9912771871

May God always bless you. Thank you. Mohan Venigalla 9912771871
N Ramanadh - Minimally Invasive Surgery

N. Ramanadh from Secunderabad- I am having Heart problem from past 12 Years, Few years back I had angioplasty and cardiologist put a small stent. After few years I got a problem again and I went to my cardiologist. He did angiogram and found a 2 blocks and he said angioplasty is not suggestible and advised me to go for surgery. But I already reached 77 years; I am doubt full whether I can go for surgery.

So I made some investigation to find out which is the safe hospital and procedure including surgeon. Then we came here along with my wife and had a detailed talk with chief Cardiothoracic Surgeon Dr Alla Gopala Krishna Gokhale and he convinced us what is good for us now. Also told us that long incision in chest is not being done for all. Instead of that, there is a small incision called minimally invasive surgery in progress.

Now I have confidence when we knew the details about minimally surgery, regarding the cost, duration and recovery. Immediately within a week, we came back and joined the hospital and had minimally invasive surgery. I stayed 5 days and hospital care was very much good. Within 5 days I recovered back, and I did not feel any inconvenience and I was very happy to go to the ward and I have been there for two days. The doctor used to come every day for checkup and he was happy that the progress was good. Then I got discharged from there. After coming back to home I didn’t feel any inconvenience. After four weeks I came here for a review.

And I want to tell you one more thing. Global hospital is the only hospital in the twin cities and Dr Gopala Krishna Gokhale is the main surgeon for minimally invasive surgery and endoscopic vein harvesting surgery. And more over, they gave me lots of courage and their technology is very advanced and they will give correct information to the patients.

If conventional operation is done there will be almost 12 to 14 inch’s incision on rib gage and they have to approach. It is a very major surgery where loss of blood could also take place where as in minimally invasive cardiothoracic surgery; there will be no risk especially for aged persons over 70- 75 years. Now I am 77 years old and also a diabetic patient. The healing will takes long time in conventional surgery but in minimally invasive surgery it will take minimum time for healing and this is the major advantage for taking up the minimally invasive surgery. There is another advantage also- in olden days they used to take veins from calf and that used to take long time to heal but where as in (endoscopic)vein harvesting new system they used to take veins from thigh- there will be only two incisions and recovery will take place very fast.

Vani - Heart Transplant Surgery

I am vani I have heart problem it got enlarged and blood pumping used to be very difficult because of that even if I do small work also I used to get breathing problem. I have consulted so many doctors and they told me there is no other solution other than heart transplant surgery. Then I consulted Dr. Gokhale and got prepared for Heart Transplant Surgery. I am very happy and now I able to do my work by my own.
Ramana Rao - Heart Transplant surgery

Hello I am Ramana rao from Vijayawada. I am having heart problem since three years but from past two years I suffered a lot. I have been to so many hospitals but I didn’t find remedy for this. Then one of my friends suggested me to consult Dr. Gokhale for heart transplant surgery. I consulted Dr.Gokhale and he suggested me to go for heart transplant surgery. After surgery now I am very fine. It became two months. On Nov 3rd, 2010 I got Heart transplant operation. Now I am doing well.