“Lending a helping hand during a health emergency is not only the job of the government. For a better society anyone with the right means can donate to NGOs which can play a great role during these emergencies,” said Padma Shri awardee Dr Gopala Krishna Gokhale said on one of his speeches last year. True to Dr Gokhale‘s words, it was NGOs in the Village of Peddha Kurapadu village of Guntur district who came to the rescue of Mr Sheikh Sadiq who was suffering from kidney failure. With the support of donors, three NGOs of the village collected a sum of Rs 2 lakh for kidney transplantation. Dr Alla Gopala Krishna was the chief guest of the event where he presented the check to Mr Sheikh Sadiq. Dr Gokhale’s Sahrudaya Trust has also announced a donation of Rs 25,000 towards the medical expenses of the patient. You can find the news coverage of the event, below.