Completed 300 Heart Surgeries Gokhale

Dr. Alla Gopala Krishna Gokhale felt very happy for completing 300 open-heart surgeries at Guntur government hospital under “Sahrudaya Trust”. Dr Gokhale completed the first open heart surgery on March 18th...

Open Heart Surgery Program @ GGH

Dr Gokhale, felt happy on completing 2 years of Open Heart Surgery Program at Government General Hospital in Guntur on 18th March 2017. In memory of 2 years completion,Dr Alla Gopala Krishna Gokhale, Cardiologist Surgeon in Hyderabad felt happy to meet patients. 1st...

Abhinaya Arts Felicitated Dr. Alla Gokhale @ Guntur

Feeling happy to be felicitated by Abhinaya Arts, Guntur in association with Lions Club of Melvin Jones-Guntur, Bitcon India, Arogya Sree (public health monthly magazine) on 12th March 2017 at Sri Venkateshwara Vigyana Mandir, Guntur. Thanks to all for your support...

Times of India – Health Care Achievers Awards

Feeling Happy and Thankful to God for being awarded as the “Legend in Cardiology and Cardiothoracic Surgery” in Telugu speaking states for the year 2016-17 in the category – Times of India Health Care Achievers Awards. I thank Times group for this...