Dr. Gokhale Honored by Shri Kishan Reddy Garu at World Telugu Federation.

On Saturday, 4th January 2024, the World Telugu Federation held a grand event to honor Telugu individuals who have made significant contributions in various fields across the globe. This remarkable occasion celebrated the rich Telugu heritage and brought together notable personalities and distinguished guests from different walks of life.

One of the highlights of the event was the felicitation of the renowned Heart Surgeon Dr. Gokhale, whose exceptional achievements have made the Telugu community proud. Dr. Gokhale’s invaluable contributions have earned him global recognition, reinforcing his legacy as an inspiring figure within the Telugu diaspora.

The honor was conferred upon Dr. Gokhale by Shri Kishan Reddy Garu, Member of Parliament, who graced the event as the chief guest. During his address, Shri Kishan Reddy expressed his admiration for Dr. Gokhale and other honorees, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging the success of Telugu achievers worldwide. He remarked on how their contributions reflect the strength and talent of the Telugu community.

This event not only honored exceptional achievers like Dr. Gokhale but also served as a platform to highlight the vibrant spirit and enduring legacy of Telugu culture.