Heart Failure Society of India
Heart Failure Society, India
Registered Under AP Societies act 2001, Regn no 1750/2006.
Aims & Objectives
To create awareness and knowledge about heart failure, its prevention, diagnosis and better management and promote research amongst medical, paramedical and allied professionals and general public and facilitate establishment of infrastructure in achievement of this objective.
To achieve these aims and objectives, the Society shall
- Hold periodical meetings, conferences and social gatherings.
- Arrange clinical courses, discussions and demonstrations on any subject of interest of the Society.
- Actively encourage research, teaching and training programmes at various centers.
- Engage in public education and training with the objective of better preventive programmes for the welfare of all.
- Publish, distribute or otherwise circulate, records, transactions and proceedings of the various meetings and conferences of the Society, Publish and circulate a journal which shall have a character specially related to the Cardiovascular sciences and shall be the official organ of the Society.
- Coordinate as necessary and as seen fit with other Societies or Organizations having similar and allied objectives.
- Raise and borrow money and invest any sum belonging to the Society not immediately required, in such a manner as the Society may think fit.
- Erect, maintain, Improve or alter and repair any building occupied by the Society.
- Do all such other things as are cognate to the objectives of the Society or are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objectives.