Angioplasty’s Role in Heart Attack Prevention

Angioplasty’s Role in Heart Attack Prevention

When the heart vessels are clogged by fat, cholesterol, or plaque build-up, they tend to narrow down, reducing the blood supply to the heart. In rare cases, they narrow down to an extent where blood supply ceases and blocks the blood flow, leading to chest pain and,...
Lung Nodule Causes and Symptoms

Lung Nodule Causes and Symptoms

A lung nodule is a small abnormal mass of tissue that appears as round white spots on chest X-rays and CT scans. They rarely have symptoms and appear in one of every 500 chest x-rays taken when diagnosing some other ailments. So it appears to be not a problem, right?...
Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (CRT)

Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (CRT)

A specialised treatment method called cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) treats heart failure that occurs in a few individuals. The goal of this advanced medical therapy is to increase the heart’s ability to pump blood and bring back synchronised contractions of...
Heart Palpitations Causes and Treatments

Heart Palpitations Causes and Treatments

Heart palpitations can be distressing as they result in a fast or irregular heartbeat that can cause discomfort. A thorough comprehension of the factors contributing to heart palpitations and knowing the various heart palpitations treatments is imperative. The focus...