A coronary angiogram is a medical procedure that helps visualize coronary arteries, blood vessels that supply blood to the heart. As a diagnostic test, a coronary angiogram uses contrast dye and X-ray imaging to visualize the coronary arteries, providing valuable...
Blood pressure is the force with which blood travels through the blood vessels in our body. The blood that rushes through these vessels has to reach every cell in the body to deliver oxygen and nutrients while simultaneously picking up waste products and carbon...
Mediastinoscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure performed to examine the mediastinum, a central part of the chest crucial for diagnosing and staging certain diseases and conditions, particularly cancer. The mediastinum is simply the central space between...
We all know that dry skin and weakened immune systems are common problems experienced by our bodies during winter. But not many know that cold weather can impact the heart in more ways than one expects. “The risk of stroke, heart attack, irregular heartbeat, and...
Lungs are the Indispensable engine for the human body, responsible for the breath, the force that powers our human body. These two sponge-like structures take in oxygen and transport it to the body’s cells, where it is used to produce energy. The vitality of the...
Cholesterol has garnered a notorious reputation in the health community due to its strong connection with heart diseases and health complications. Despite its essential role in human nutrition, it is perceived to be a villain due to its adverse impact on heart and...