It is estimated that around 17.5 million people around the world die of heart attacks or heart related diseases. The good news is that around 80% of premature heart attacks and strokes are preventable. Regular physical activity, healthy diet and also avoiding tobacco...
Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure is known as a “silent disease” as signs and symptoms won’t be seen. However, this disease damages the body and may also cause heart disease. Utmost care must be taken if diagnosed with blood pressure and the patient...
Can stress cause heart attack ? Emotional stress can affect a person’s health in numerous ways. It can increase the risk of chronic heart disease and can even trigger an acute heart attack. Adrenaline surge can accompany any situation but when it turns stressful, it...
Dr Alla Gopala Krishna Gokhale is one of the best heart surgeons in India who has performed India’s first heart-kidney combined transplant. He has also achieved fame through performing heart transplant for a 69 year old person, the oldest man to undergo heart...
What are the Signs of heart attack?Is heart attack in men and women are different? Signs of Heart Attack: Heart attack occurs when the smooth blood flow to the heart gets blocked. Blockage happens due to the buildup of fat, especially cholesterol and other substances...
Thousands of people die every year due to organ failure. The need for donated organs is much more than the number of donated organs. Everybody should consider themselves potential organ and tissue donors—regardless of age, health, race, or ethnicity. No one is too old...