As the human body is primed to absorb maximum nutrients after an extended fasting session in the night, breakfast becomes the most important meal of the day. And since everyone has got more time and control over preparing nutritious breakfast than any other meal in...
Holidays and weight gain are closely linked with each other: weight gain often follows holidays like a clockwork more often than not. And this is why holidays are often are considered the biggest contributor of weight gain across all ages. However, this weight gain...
Abnormal Heart Rhythm also called Arrhythmia is a condition where a human heart falls out its natural rhythm. This happens when electrical impulses that trigger the heartbeat falls out of order causing the heart to beat too fast or too slow in an uncoordinated manner...
4 Heart Healthy Breakfast Foods That Help You Reduce Your High Blood Pressure: A healthy diet optimizes your health, reducing the risk of medical conditions like heart problems, as we age. As most of the heart problems are not easily cured without surgical...
Effect of Dehydration on Heart Health & Tips to Stay Hydrated This Summer: Summer is here and so is that perpetual risk of dehydration that looms over us every year. With the significant rise in ambient temperature, the perspiration increases resulting in loss of...
What is Abnormal Heart Rhythm? – When Heart Beat Falls Out of Rhythm: – Part 1 Abnormal heart rhythm is a condition where the heartbeat occasionally falls out of rhythm. It can feel like a heart’s fluttering or beating too fast or too slow than the normal rate:...