Heartburn is a symptom of acid reflux that is experienced by 40% of individuals at some point in their lifetime. Though a common problem, heartburn is tricky as its shares some of its symptoms with a heart attack. The symptoms can be so alike that even experienced...
Cardiomyopathy is used to describe a wide range of diseases that are associated with the heart muscle. The heart of people diagnosed with cardiomyopathy does not function similarly to an average person’s heart. It becomes rigid, enlarged, thick, and abnormal....
Legionnaires disease is an acute form of pneumonia. It is a kind of lung inflammation caused by an infection of a bacteria called legionella bacteria (hence the name of the disease). It is rare in India, having less than one lakh cases per year. This disease spreads...
Hollywood Legend Steve McQueen’s booming career was cut short when he was diagnosed with Mesothelioma, a type of lung cancer caused by Asbestosis. A leading film star in 1960 his death was eventually traced back to continuous exposure to the Asbestos sheet during his...
Atrial Septal Defect is a congenital heart condition, commonly called a ‘hole in the heart’. The hole is formed in the muscular wall of the heart, called the ‘septum’ which separates the upper chambers of the heart. Given the wall separates the oxygenated blood and...
A procedure that is done to look directly into the airways of the lungs is called bronchoscopy. This procedure is done by putting in an instrument called a bronchoscope in the mouth or nose. It is kind of like an endoscopy. The instrument goes from the nose or mouth...