When seen in the context of available treatment options for heart diseases, surgery is what comes into the mind in a flash. But patients and for that matter, everyone must remember that not all the coronary heart diseases require conventional surgical methods like...
It has been a long established fact that the heart diseases and mental health of a patient are closely related to each other. The growing body of research on the nexus between heart diseases and mental health conditions further has shed a focus light on this dangerous...
Abnormal Heart Rhythm also called Arrhythmia is a condition where a human heart falls out its natural rhythm. This happens when electrical impulses that trigger the heartbeat falls out of order causing the heart to beat too fast or too slow in an uncoordinated manner...
Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure is known as a “silent disease” as signs and symptoms won’t be seen. However, this disease damages the body and may also cause heart disease. Utmost care must be taken if diagnosed with blood pressure and the patient...
What are the Signs of heart attack?Is heart attack in men and women are different? Signs of Heart Attack: Heart attack occurs when the smooth blood flow to the heart gets blocked. Blockage happens due to the buildup of fat, especially cholesterol and other substances...
Why heart disease is important? You know how important your heart is, so it’s no wonder people worry when they hear someone has Heart problems. Heart disease, also called cardiovascular disease, mainly affects older people and means that there are problems with...