Combined Heart & Other Organ Transplant
In addition to the lung, when needed along with heart other organs can also be replaced. For example in a 57 yr old man who had advanced kidney and heart problem, Dr.AGK Gokhale and team performed the first simultaneous heart and kidney transplantation for the first time in India. These procedures carry higher risk but can be lifesaving for some patients who otherwise are unlikely to survive.
Patients, considered for transplantation, will have to undergo a thorough screening process to estimate their overall physical and psychological health. Based on the following factors, a thorough health history is taken, which includes inquiries regarding the following factors:
- History of Cardiopulmonary disease
- Exposure to infectious disease
- Exposure to environment
- Genetic & Family History
- Social history
- Substance-abuse profile
All potential candidates are identified by social services specialists to ensure access to required medications through a proper planning. A complete physical examination is performed, with particular attention to signs of concomitant disease processes such as bleeding, vascular insufficiency, GI disturbances, and occult carcinoma.