Enhanced External Counter Pulsation (EECP) treatment is an advanced non-invasive procedure used as a treatment for Angina in patients with coronary artery diseases (CAD). Usually, EECP Treatment in Hyderabad is recommended for patients with damaged heart tissues or records of coronary artery disease who cannot undergo heart surgery due to complications.

As we often get quite a several questions on EECP treatment we take the help of today’s blog to provide essential information about the Enhanced External Counter Pulsation treatment. Here we help you understand the concept behind the EECP treatment, give you its benefits and then guide you to the best cardiologist in Hyderabad for EECP treatment. Read on:

Angina & EECP as its treatment:

Angina is the pain that can manifest with a squeezing or heaviness sensation near the chest. It can be new pain out of the blue or recurring pain that subsides with treatment. Dizziness fatigue, sweating, shortness of breath nausea are other common symptoms suffered during Angina.

Angina is one of the most common coronary heart diseases that happen due to plaque build-up in the artery which causes reduced blood flow to the heart. Since the blood flow is reduced due to plaque build-up heart now is pressurized to work harder than before to support healthy blood flow. To reduce this pressure on the heart, a previously intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP) was used to increase the amount of blood that gets pumped out of the heart by inflating a balloon in the aorta. EECP as a treatment used a similar concept too.

How is EECP performed?

Three pairs of cuffs that are inflatable are fixed to the buttocks, upper and lower legs. These cuffs are inflated and deflated between the heartbeats to push the maximum amount of blood to the heart. This way the heart does not have to work extra harder since it gets more blood to pump to the rest of the human body. EECP reduces the risk of angina by reducing the burden on the heart. The whole procedure offers the following benefits:

  1. Increases supply of oxygen for the heart.
  2. Reduce chest pain.
  3. Energizes you (more oxygen).
  4. Improve exercise endurance.
  5. Has long terms benefits that last up to 2 years.

However, EECP therapy is recommended only for patients who suffer from Angina despite repetitive surgeries (stents & bypass) or patients who suffer from the risk of surgery-related complications.

Even among these patients, not everyone is eligible for EECP treatment. Patients with Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, enlarged heart, valvular disease, atrial fibrillation (Afib), pacemaker, and clot in their body, congenital heart disease or severely elevated blood pressure are recommended EECP treatment. So it is recommended to contact an expert cardiologist in Hyderabad to know your options for treatment.

Dr Alla Gopala Krishna Gokhale is the best cardiologist in India and is also one of the very few EECP experts in Hyderabad. If you are looking for EECP treatment in Hyderabad, you can contact him here: 9603040506